The Propagander ™ FAQ
Why Would Hitler Approve Hess's Mission?
There is a very erroneous and widespread notion, especially in Germany, according to which England would immediately fight against any European hegemony. As a matter of fact this is not correct. England actually concerned herself very little with European conditions as long as no threatening world competitor arose from them, so that she always viewed the threat as lying in a development which must one day cut across her dominion over the seas and colonies.
Hitler espouses the view that British foreign policy is driven exclusively by perceived self-interest. He goes on to improbably claim that the "struggles against Spain, Holland and later France had their ground not in the threatening military might of these States as such, but only in the way this power was founded". That "Prussia could develop out of little Brandenburg and in turn a new German Reich out of the later Prussia [could emerge]" without British interference is due to the fact that "the Hohenzollerns, up to the time of Bismarck, limited themselves almost exclusively to a strengthening of land power." Hitler posits that it was "Germany's misfortune that we ... built up our land power insufficiently and instead went over to a naval policy whose end result had been inadequate anyway".The course of the anti-German attitude of the English can be exactly followed. It parallels our development on the seas, rises with our colonial activity to an overt antipathy, and finally ends up with our naval policy in a frank hatred . . . . If pre-War Germany had decided upon a continuance of the former Prussian continental policy instead of her peaceful world and economic policy with its fateful repercussions, then first of all she could have raised her land power to that superior height formerly enjoyed by the Prussian State, and secondly she need not have feared an unconditional enmity with England . . . . If Germany had not taken this development, at the turn of the century we still could have reached an understanding with England, which at that time was ready for one. To be sure, such an understanding would have lasted only if had been accompanied by a fundamental shift in our foreign policy goal. Even at the turn of the century Germany could have decided upon a resumption of the former Prussian continental policy, and, together with England, prescribed the further development of world history.
Hitler then goes on to explain that Germany should "together with England" reach "a fundamentally new political orientation which no longer contradicts England's sea and trade interests," thus eliminating the "logical ground for England's enmity." Hitler opines that if the Germans do not in any way compete with the UK's mastery of the seas, "the sober perception of British interests will" determine "English foreign policy," and that "whoever can be useful to her from time to time will be invited on England's side regardless of whether he had been an enemy in the past or perhaps can again become one in the future."Incompetent and lazy, vain as a peacock, arrogant and without humor, Ribbentrop was the worst possible choice for such a post (ambassador to London), as Goering realized. "When I criticized Ribbentrop's qualifications to handle British problems," he later declared, "the Fuehrer pointed out to me that Ribbentrop knew 'Lord So and So' and 'Minister So and So.' To which I replied: Yes, but the difficulty is that they know Ribbentrop."
General Erhard Milch would later testify:I had gained the impression in England that von Ribbentrop was not persona grata. I was of the opinion that another man should be sent to England to bring about mutual understanding as to policy, in accordance with the wish so often expressed by Hitler.
Ribbentrop would soon demonstrate that his critics were prescient when on February 5, 1937, he presented his credentials to George VI and snapped off a Hitler salute. He went on to upset the British government by posting Schutz Staffeinel (SS) guards outside the German Embassy and by flying swastika flags on official embassy cars. Even the obtuse Ribbentrop soon became aware of British displeasure with every aspect of his masters foreign policy, as well as the lack of diplomatic skills and understanding of his Ambassador.Copyright © 2011-2013 Walther Johann von Löpp All Rights Reserved
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